Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

install windows 3.1 / 95 / 98 di HP symbian

Windows 3.1

For win3.1:
1-Download Dosbox and install it.
2-Download win3.1 and archive it in memory card & run dosbox.

goto memory card and finddosbox.conf & edit it in notepad :

for run Windows 3.1 :

# Loader 1 -- Windows 3.1
# mount a e:\Data\win31\ (To install more drivers)*
mount c e:\Data\
mount d e:\
# Loader 2 -- Norton Commander 5.0
# mount c e:\Data\
# mount d e:\
# c:
# c:\nc\nc.exe

TO install new drivers you need tu put Windows 3.1 installer files to e:\Data\win31 directory.
Edit 'dosbox.conf' file and remove '#' in 'mount a e:\Data\win31\' line

Windows 95

unpack file in memory card in data folder.
run dosbox and wait 2 auto setup and run windows.

Windows 98

Edit dosbox.conf for win98:

Imgmount c e:\cdos\win98\w98.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 512,63,16,518
Boot -l c
copy w98.img in e:\cdos\win98\
for change small font go2: control panel>display>appearance

DOWNLOAD DOXBox v0.72 for Symbian
DOWNLOAD Windows 3.1 (English) for Symbian
DOWNLOAD Windows 95
DOWNLOAD Windows 98
DOWNLOAD guide pack

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